A Wager With Death

Category A: Second Place (2024) Monash Short Story Writing Competition
Author: Shreya Kalani

After thirteen days of incomprehensible incantations and poring over ancient legends, Louise watched in awe the disintegration of the bricks in her bedroom, a multitude of emotions swirling in her chest, constricting her throat and making her knees quiver. A fiery orange glow was reflected on her face, emanating from the widening gap in the wall. With a deep breath and her shoulders set back, she walked into the gates of the netherworld, ready to fulfill her mission.

Going down the stairs of netherworld, she noticed the heat radiating from the waterfalls of lava, the bright yet dangerous liquid scorching the soles of her feet, but this was nothing compared to the emotional anguish which filled her heart for the past fortnight. At the end was the ferryman of death, helping the departed souls to reach the court of death where their fate for rest of eternity will be sealed. She silently sat in his boat, and with a nod, he rowed her to the capital of death’s realm, through a lake of lava, where every breath was a wager.

Death’s court had a cooler temperature compared to the rest of the netherworld. She is the lone figure present with the only other structures being the four pillars holding the floor and the ceilings alongside death’s throne, adorned with creeping ivies, on a raised platform majestic in its stance.

Suddenly with a whoosh, a dark cloaked figure materialized and with a snap of his bony finger, bright orange light flooded the chamber. In a deep baritone voice, death exclaimed:

“Well, it has been quite some time since a mortal ventured into my chamber. Tell me Louise, where were you that New Moon night, when I snatched away your parents from the realm of living, hiding in your room like a coward?”

By the end of his speech, Death’s voice had risen to a roar and the fires around the courtroom were blazing as ferociously as his wrath.

“No, my lord, my father and mother had locked me in my room so that I could escape your clutches. You could hear me banging on the doors of my room so that I could save them. And now, here I am to do that.”

With a smirk, Death said, “Answer my riddle, Louise, and you shall have your parents. Fail, and suffer in these fires for eternity. The riddle is: What is blind but sees everything? What is feared by some and revered by others, and changes according to each person?”

With deep trepidation, Louise replied, “It is Justice, Justice is blind. Feared by guilty, revered by innocent and changes according to situation.”

“You’ll meet your parents in 2 weeks.” Death said, his voice dripping with pride.

Fourteen days later, as Louise embraced her parents, she caught a glimpse of Death smirking in the shadows. She realized that her fate was now forever entwined with his, and she would always need to stay two steps ahead in their eternal dance.