Journey to Hope

Category A: Highly Commended (2024) Monash Short Story Writing Competition
Author: Aarkin Shah

Year 1962, I was a young boy aged thirteen, living with my family in a small, village in Vietnam. The atmosphere was heavy with the constant echoes of gunfire, and the sense of pain and agony was running through our heads.

In the hard times, it became clear that we could not endure these dire conditions any longer. We knew we had to take an action. After much contemplation, we settled on a risky plan, we would embark on a journey by boat, seeking refuge in Australia, known as one of the safest countries.

Preparing for our departure was hard. With resources scarce, we had to carefully ration what little we had. It meant leaving behind cherished belongings and memories, sacrificing almost everything for the hope of a better future.

A loud thud on the door jolted me awake. Peering through the peephole, I saw army troops banging aggressively. In a panic, I hid our packed bags as the banging grew louder. With no choice, I nervously opened the door to confront a    v   bb soldier. My family huddled behind me; fear etched on their faces. His eyes fell on a suspicious box, and despite my attempt to distract him, he inspected the box money and identification documents revealing our escape plan.

Amidst chaos and uncertainty, we gathered strength that night, preparing for the journey ahead. Tomorrow marked the start of our journey a departure from our only home towards an uncertain future across the sea. Leaving behind all that was familiar, we sought safety and a new beginning.

That night, our sleep was disrupted as thoughts raced through our minds. We talked quietly about what lay ahead, finding comfort in our shared determination. We knew the journey would not be easy.

I explained our situation about poverty and unbearable living conditions. Moved by our desperation, the soldier leaned in and whispered, "Go now, while you still can." Relief washed over us as we swiftly retrieved our bags and silently departed into the night, leaving behind everything for a chance at a new beginning.

As the soldier and his comrades finally departed, a wave of relief engulfed us. My mom and dad enveloped me in a tight embrace, tears of gratitude shimmering in our eyes. Together, we shared a moment of profound thankfulness. Swiftly and quietly, we retrieved our carefully hidden bags and began our preparations to depart. Each moment was imbued with a sense of hope and determination as we embarked on this daunting journey toward a new chapter in our lives.

Under the cover of night, we reached the quiet riverbank where our small boat awaited. The gentle lap of the water against the boat was a stark contrast to the chaos we were leaving behind. Leaving our village lights fading in the distance, we headed towards an uncertain future across the sea. Despite the unknowns ahead, we held onto hope for safety, peace, and a new beginning for our family.