Book Clubs

people at a book club


Library Book Clubs

Monash Public Library Service proudly supports 40 local book clubs, free of charge, by supplying book club sets of 10 copies up to 12 times each year to each club. 

However, we are unable to accept new members and new book clubs, as we are at capacity.

Thank you and happy reading!


Learn English with us

people standing in a line

If English is not your main language and you would like to practice your reading skills in a safe and supportive environment, learn English with us.

Improve your English, make connections with other residents and learn more about Australian culture.

Reading material will be provided and sessions will be held by library staff. 

Learn English with us at Glen Waverley: Beginner

More information

Learn English with us at Glen Waverley: Intermediate

More information

Pride Book Club

The Pride Book Club is a place to ignite friendships and promote thoughtful conversation. It provides an opportunity to connect with other people over great books in a safe and welcoming environment.

Our Book Club is for members and allies of the LGBTIQA+ community who want to read widely with a focus on LGBTIQA+ characters and history.

Reading recommendations will be provided.

The Pride Book Club is currently at capacity and not taking new members. We also have a Rainbow Film and Book Club for seniors which may be suitable as an alternative.

Please enquire via email or phone 9518 3030. 

Online Book Clubs

Many organisations now offer Online Book Clubs. Here are a few:


Chatterbooks at Mulgrave Library

Come and chat about your recent reads and enjoy a social time with fellow book lovers. Afternoon tea will be provided. More info.


Spanish Book Club

The Gabriela Mistral Spanish book club meets on the second Thursday of each month (February to December) from 10am to 12noon at the Clayton Library. No bookings required.

For more information, contact Karen at or 03 9541 3120.

Ben's Book Club

Ben's Book Club is a digital book club available exclusively to Australian and New Zealand libraries, hosted by best-selling author Ben Hobson. It is brought to you by Libby (Overdrive). Each month, a different book is available via Libby and an author is interviewed about the book.