Fees and Charges

illustration of an eftpos machine with a hand holding a card next to it against a background of cogs

Fees for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

All charges inclusive of GST.

Item Fee
Overdues No overdue charges
Lost / Damaged items (including magazines and paperbacks)

Replacement cost of item, plus $5.10 non-refundable processing charge. 

Replacement of Membership Card


Inter-library loans

$2.00, plus fee charged by library service supplying the item (where applicable) 

Photocopying and Printing:

B & W (A4) one side

B & W (A4) double-sided

B & W (A3) one side

B & W (A3) double-sided

Colour A4

Colour A3

Charges are:





$1.00 per page ($2 for double-sided)

$1.50 per page ($3 for double-sided)

Scanning Free
Library bag (cloth) $5.00
Book sale items $0.50
Literature Festival workshops $11.50
Chargeable programs $4.60
Green Waste Bags $8.25



Here's how you can ensure your items are not overdue:

  • Email reminders are sent either 3, 5 or 7 days before your loans are due.
  • Speak to a staff member or log in to your library card to register your email address with us and activate this service.
  • Auto-renewals are now active. Please check your account to see what could not be renewed.
  • Contact us if you have items which are not reserved by other library members and are not more than 2 days overdue.