Inter-Library Loans

Extended opening hours

The Inter-Library Loan Service - key features:

  • We receive a weekly delivery of items obtained via the Inter Library Loan service for customers with a limited weight allowance.
  • Most books and audiobooks more than 2 years old, and materials from LOTE (languages other than English) collections will be able to be requested. Items such as DVDs, CDs, magazines, children’s picture books and board books, and larger items will no longer be available as part of the new service. 
  • Requests can be made via the Z-portal on this website (you will need your library card number and password), or customers can ask library staff to place the request on their behalf. 
  • Items requested from public libraries will incur a $2.00 fee payable once the item has been received by MPLS. This fee will apply to requests lodged from 1 January 2024. 
  • Items requested from universities, interstate libraries and State Libraries will continue to attract a charge (currently $32.40 set by the lending institution), and there remains no limit to the number of items able to be requested. 
  • The service across Victoria includes limits on weight of items being delivered. This means some items requested may not be available for Inter-Library loan. Customers will be advised if this is the case.  
  • Customers are advised that items collected at Monash Libraries shouldn’t be returned to another library service.  


Place an Inter-Library Loan