Work With Us


Library staff work as part of a team to provide high quality customer and reference service to the public. Monash Public Library Service also provides work experience, library industry placement and volunteering opportunities.


See City of Monash jobs  for all job descriptions and application information. Jobs are advertised there and on
For general  information about library work, careers and employment, we recommend the site of  Australian Library & Information Association.


Volunteers are recruited to assist with programs such as our home library deliveries (delivering books on a monthly basis or one-on-one visits to housebound clients) and also conversation circle sessions. There are requirements to become a library volunteer, such as undertaking training with South East Volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please register your interest here.  Once you have registered you will be contacted to receive more information on the induction process.

To find out more information on what a home library volunteer does, contact the Positive Ageing Librarian on 9518 3030. For the conversation circle program, contact the Library Community Engagement Coordinator on 9541 3120. 




Work Experience – Library Customer Service

Monash Public Library Service offers a very limited number of work experience placements each year to secondary students in Year 10 with an interest in a career in libraries and the community. 
Our work experience program aims to showcase to students the diverse range of work undertaken by our library service.  We hope all students will finish the week with a deeper appreciation of the services offered and their importance to the community of Monash.
Applications for work experience in 2025 have now closed.





Community Service/Duke of Edinburgh

There are no community service or Duke of Edinburgh placements available in 2025.

Industry Placements

Are you a tertiary student completing information management or library technician studies?

Contact our Service Development Librarians to apply for industry placement.

